Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hi to all the Clondalkin Gang

I visited Clondalkin Library to do a writing magic workshop this evening. There were 20 girls and boys (but mainly girls!) at the event and they were brilliant at coming up with characters and plots.

We wrote a story together about vampire twins - called Touch of Blood - and then each person added his or her own ending to the story.

I'll post Tara's ending and picture tomorrow as it's cool - and well done to everyone at the workshop for your brilliant stories!

Here's the story we wrote together:

A Touch of Blood

By the Clondalkin Library Gang
Feb 2009

One day the vampire twins, Jordan and Cian were out trying to steal blood from the blood bank when they bumped into two girls, Chloe and Kate. They were there to give blood.

‘What are you doing?’ Kate asked Jordan.

Jordan said ‘We’re part-time surgeons.’

‘That’s so cool,’ Rosie said. ‘But why are you holding that blood in your hand?’

‘Um, I’m just in from an operation,’ he said, ‘and this blood is from my patient – I’m donating it to the blood bank.’

Just then the sun went down and it began to get dark outside. The boys felt themselves turn into vampires.

They hadn’t eaten for days – they’d both had bad report cards and their dad locked all their blood in the dungeon. Then he’d locked the boys in the shed but they got out through their secret trap door.

Cian bit into the bag of blood and it gushed out everywhere.

Rosie said ‘Oh my God, what are you doing eating that blood?’
When the blood hit her she started to turn into a werewolf.

Then a tall man walked out of the surgery and glared at the twins and the girls. He was tall with pale skin. He had an evil grin.

‘What are you doing here boys? I thought I’d locked you up in the shed.’ It was the boys’ father.

‘How could you lock them up you evil man?’ Kate said. ‘You’re a bad father.’

‘Don’t tell me what to do with my sons,’ he said. ‘You’re just a stupid werewolf.’

‘Who are you calling a stupid werewolf, you ignorant vampire?

Each of the gang added their own ending here – why don’t you see if you can write a good ending? Send it to me if you like – – and I’ll post it here on The Goss.

Happy writing! Bye, Sarah X

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