Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Yeah for Mills and Clover

I have decided that this week is National Yeah for Amy's Friends week. There's an old Czech proverb that goes 'Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.'
Apparently people live longer if they have good friends - honestly - Mum read it in The Irish Times today!

I could have told them that - friends are vital - like lip gloss, UGGS (yes, I'm still wearing them, sorry!), Converse, and, um, Johnny Depp. Can't live without them.

And I'm so lucky to have 2 fabber than fab friends in Mills and Clover. I know technically Clover's my aunt, but I still count her as a bestie. She certainly saves my skin enough to qualify!

And Mills - well we've been bfs 4eva. And I hope we'll grow wrinkly together. And looking at Mum's furrowed Star Trek brow, that won't be all that long . . . yikes. She's pretty stressed out at the moment.

Hope you have at least one fab friend too. Makes life much more fun, doesn't it?

Yours in friendship,

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