Hi Amy Greensters,
I was posting this blog to my other website - www.sarahwebb.ie and I thought I'd share snippets of it with you guys too!
It's about how I write a book from start to finish. So if you're interested in writing, or in how I write my books, read on.
I’ve just realised I haven’t really blogged about how I write a book from start to finish – from the very first idea to the actual final manuscript. So using the book I’ve just finished, Ask Amy Green: Party Drama-rama (Amy 4) I’ll try to explain how I do this. It might take a couple of weeks as I’m talking details people! ‘Cos I’m that kinda gal. Now first the disclaimer:
Every writer writes in a very, very different way. This is just the way I do it. And I’m certainly not suggesting it will work for everyone. It doesn’t even work for me sometimes! So take everything I say with a large sea rock of salt!
1/ The Initial Idea
This is the number one question I get asked at events and in schools – ‘Where do you get your ideas?’
And it’s a very hard one to answer. If I’m talking to younger readers and writers of say under 14 I tend to tell them about my crazy, mad thought-filled mind and how it never rests and is always spewing up ideas. Like today – I was stuck at home with the kids (snowed in) and thinking about how that might feel if it happened for more than a week – how would we cope. Then – being a writer – I thought, hey, that’s an interesting one for a book. It could be a/ a comedy about a family muddling through and being resourceful and learning to work together after practically killing each other or b/ a Hunger Games type dystopian teen novel where the family really do kill each other – I’d have to throw in some sort of reality tv show then maybe or c/ a romance where 2 neighbouring families are thrown together – maybe a widow and a single mum – and they bond over show shovels. See, my mind works in mysterious ways and there is always, always something cool to write about.
Where was I? Ah yes, ideas. And the idea for Amy 4 in particular.
For me, largely the characters come first. In the case of Amy 4 I already knew all the main characters – Amy, Clover, her crazy 17 year old aunt, Mills, Amy’s best friend, Sylvie, her mum, Art, her Dad, Dave, her step dad and so on.
Before I think about plot, I tend to do a lot of work on the characters. For Amy 4 I had a new character to concentrate on, Bailey Otis. He has a small walk on part in Amy 3 but I needed to flesh him out a lot more. So I grabbed my character note book and started writing pages and pages – what I knew about him – from where he was born, to his childhood, his parents, schools, music he likes, talents, hates, likes etc etc.
Once I’ve got the main characters firmly in my head I think about the plot and the setting.
Plot is an interesting one. Some writers – especially crime writers apparently – start with plot. But I do have an idea of the type of thing I’d like to write about before I put pen to paper. It tends to swirl around in my head, picking up momentum and speed, before forming into anything coherent.
I knew I wanted to make Amy Green a problem solver. I also knew I wanted to give her an older side kick who could drive and had a job and some money. Clover was originally going to be 21 until my very wise friend, Liz, said that that was way too grown up and younger was better. So I made her 17 instead which worked much better – thanks, Liz!
Once I decided to make Clover a journalist, and an agony aunt for teens, I found my ‘in’ to the problem solving. Basically Amy is brilliant at solving other people’s problems, but not so hot with her own problems.
So then I had my premise and my characters, and I just had to fill in the plot. Which has never been hard with the Amy books as my characters have a lot to say and live very eventful lives!
But basically – ideas come from everywhere – keep your eyes open and one will bite you on the nose. Now, I wonder if that family getting snowed in idea would actually work? Or a teen novel about a Lockdown in a school . . . my son’s school had a Lockdown drill recently, a new one on me, but common now in the US . . . now that’s an interesting one . . .
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Writing Competition Shortlist - Wildest Dreams Competition
Hi to everyone who entered the competition - your entries are up on the write a rama section of the website.
As they were all so brilliant I picked the three shortlisted ones out of a hat and they are:
Peace (9 to 11)
Sorcha (9 to 11)
and Tia (12 to 14)
Well done, girls! You will now be in the main draw to win a pack of lovely book and glittery goodies!
News on the overall winner next week right here. Stay tuned.
Sarah XXX
As they were all so brilliant I picked the three shortlisted ones out of a hat and they are:
Peace (9 to 11)
Sorcha (9 to 11)
and Tia (12 to 14)
Well done, girls! You will now be in the main draw to win a pack of lovely book and glittery goodies!
News on the overall winner next week right here. Stay tuned.
Sarah XXX
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Hi to All the Kildare Gang and Another Great Review from Anna
Hi to all the great girls and guys from Kildare I met today in the Riverbank Theatre. Fab questions, lads!
And here's another quick review from Anna in Cork . . .
If you'd like to submit a review for the website, do send it to me - sarah at askamygreen.com
Here is my review on Bridesmaid Blitz
Bridesmaid blitz is a fabulous book and I could not put it down it is one of her best books maybe the best. My favorite characters are Clover and Gracie. I was mad with my self for finishing it because it was so good. A thrilling book with a real Paris feel, I loved it. Full of emotion, comedy, a French feeling, and a whole lot of Sarah Webb. My favorite part is when Amy becomes godmother. Enjoy and remember "A good book shines light on your life"(I made that up)
xx10 outa 10
Anna O' C xx
And here's another quick review from Anna in Cork . . .
If you'd like to submit a review for the website, do send it to me - sarah at askamygreen.com
Here is my review on Bridesmaid Blitz
Bridesmaid blitz is a fabulous book and I could not put it down it is one of her best books maybe the best. My favorite characters are Clover and Gracie. I was mad with my self for finishing it because it was so good. A thrilling book with a real Paris feel, I loved it. Full of emotion, comedy, a French feeling, and a whole lot of Sarah Webb. My favorite part is when Amy becomes godmother. Enjoy and remember "A good book shines light on your life"(I made that up)
xx10 outa 10
Anna O' C xx
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Niamh Sharkey and Cecelia Ahern go mad for On the Road . . .
Derek Landy and John Boyne
Cool Writers Part 1 and 2: Derek Landy and John Boyne

I know a lot of you love reading - and guess who I bumped into recently at the Irish Book Awards launch - none other than my fellow writer friend, Derek Landy. I first met Derek about a month before his debut Skulduggery book came out, and I've had great fun following his career and chatting books with him ever since. He's a truly fab and cool guy and I think his novels are getting better and better every year.
But the COOLEST thing about Derek is the way he treats his fans. My son, Sam is a mega Derek fan and Derek kindly drew a wee pic on a napkin at the launch and let me take a pic of him holding it for Sam. Needless to say Sam was thrilled!
Derek rocks!
And ask for John Boyne - he's bfs with none other than Danni Minogue, the best judge in the X-Factor by miles. How impressive is that! He was at the show on Saturday with his sister - I'm green with envy.
I have such cool writer friends. And they write pretty fantastic books too!
More on my writer friends soon, including some rather fab pics of me in a pink limo with none other than Cathy Cassidy - if I can find the bloomin' pics that is!
Sarah XXX
PS expect lots more blogging action in the New Year my Amy Greensters, I'm only warming up!
I know a lot of you love reading - and guess who I bumped into recently at the Irish Book Awards launch - none other than my fellow writer friend, Derek Landy. I first met Derek about a month before his debut Skulduggery book came out, and I've had great fun following his career and chatting books with him ever since. He's a truly fab and cool guy and I think his novels are getting better and better every year.
But the COOLEST thing about Derek is the way he treats his fans. My son, Sam is a mega Derek fan and Derek kindly drew a wee pic on a napkin at the launch and let me take a pic of him holding it for Sam. Needless to say Sam was thrilled!
Derek rocks!
And ask for John Boyne - he's bfs with none other than Danni Minogue, the best judge in the X-Factor by miles. How impressive is that! He was at the show on Saturday with his sister - I'm green with envy.
I have such cool writer friends. And they write pretty fantastic books too!
More on my writer friends soon, including some rather fab pics of me in a pink limo with none other than Cathy Cassidy - if I can find the bloomin' pics that is!
Sarah XXX
PS expect lots more blogging action in the New Year my Amy Greensters, I'm only warming up!

Sarah with lovely illustrator, Niamh Sharkey
and Conor Hackett, our fab Walker Books 'minder' at the
launch of the Irish Book Awards.
To vote for Sarah (or Niamh) log onto
www.irishbookawards.ie and click on the vote button at the top. Ask Amy Green:Bridesmaid Blitz is in the senior children's category.
Thanks for voting!
Sarah XXX
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Ask Amy Green Party Drama-Rama - some clues
So what's in store for Amy and Clover next? Well, lots of you have been asking about the next Amy Green so I have some news for you.
First of all it will be out in May 2011 - 5 months to go I'm afraid. But stay tuned here and to the newsletter for more details.
Mills and Seth are back of course, along with Clover - naturally! Try keeping her away.
Clover's going to college but she's really nervous - for very good reason. There's someone in college she really, really doensn't want to meet up with.
And Bailey Otis is back - he of the cheek bones and amazing green eyes. Bailey has a secret, and Amy's determined to find out what it is.
But of course, Mills falls head over heels for him . . . she always has some sort of boy trouble on the go, being MIlls!
I'll tell you more soon, promise. And as Amy says, 'A promise is a promise'.
Talk soon,
Sarah X
First of all it will be out in May 2011 - 5 months to go I'm afraid. But stay tuned here and to the newsletter for more details.
Mills and Seth are back of course, along with Clover - naturally! Try keeping her away.
Clover's going to college but she's really nervous - for very good reason. There's someone in college she really, really doensn't want to meet up with.
And Bailey Otis is back - he of the cheek bones and amazing green eyes. Bailey has a secret, and Amy's determined to find out what it is.
But of course, Mills falls head over heels for him . . . she always has some sort of boy trouble on the go, being MIlls!
I'll tell you more soon, promise. And as Amy says, 'A promise is a promise'.
Talk soon,
Sarah X
Fantastic Review from Anna from Cork
Boy Trouble is a fantastic book, I did not want to put it down at night when I was reading it. It is a fab read and makes you not want to stop turning the pages. When I finished it I held it to my chest as if to say I did not want the story to end! Luckily I have her 2nd book Summer Secrets to read now! Yippee! Sarah can make anything work and I keep dreaming about what will happen next (even in school shh.... ) My favourite character is Amy's aunt Clover (she is 17) I wish I had an aunt like Clover. Amy has some great and awful times but is still great and can stick through anything. My favourite part is when Amy sneaks off at night. You'll have to read it to find out more, 5 OUT OF 5
And remember books are a girl's best friend !!!! - Anna O' C from Cork
And remember books are a girl's best friend !!!! - Anna O' C from Cork
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tour photos - Your Wildest Dreams Tour 2010
This is a pic of me, Sophia Bennett and Judi Curtin on our tour -
see details below.
Our tour started in Limerick where we talked to some fab Limerick girls (and guys!) about writing and how our dreams came true. Then we hot footed it to Cork that night and had dinner in the city which was fun. Writers talk a lot when they are out as they are usually locked away at their desk writing new books!
Then we drove to Macroom and talked to a lovely bunch of girls in the Briery Gap Theatre - they were a great bunch of girls and they asked some fantastic questions. I also got the chance to meet some Amy Green fans who had travelled from Kinsale to meet me which was lovely!
Back to Dublin then for a wonderful event in the Mermaid Theatre with over 200 keen readers, including girls from my old school, St Andrew's College. Who were fab naturally!
And more chatting to fans on Friday afternoon in Eason and on Saturday in BT2s. PHew!
All over now, and I'm back at my desk.
But a big hi to all the girls I met on the trip - thanks so much for coming along to meet us and don't forget to enter the competition - see the write a rama section of the Amy Green website for details .
A tired but happy Sarah XXX
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sarah on the Telly!
I was on the RTE show, Elev8 today - talking about our upcoming Wildest Dreams book tour and dancing - yes, my son is mortified! He thinks his mum is so uncool. However the 4 year old kissed the telly screen when I was on apparently which is cute.
You can catch it here: http://www.rte.ie/player/#v=1082132
And I'm 7 mins 50 seconds in - along with the lovely Judi Curtin of course.
Off on tour on Tuesday - so I'll keep you posted on how it's going:
And don't miss the public events on Friday 15th Oct in Eason, Dun Laoghaire at 4pm
and Saturday 16th in BT2, Grafton Street at 1 to 3
See you there!
Sarah XXX
You can catch it here: http://www.rte.ie/player/#v=1082132
And I'm 7 mins 50 seconds in - along with the lovely Judi Curtin of course.
Off on tour on Tuesday - so I'll keep you posted on how it's going:
And don't miss the public events on Friday 15th Oct in Eason, Dun Laoghaire at 4pm
and Saturday 16th in BT2, Grafton Street at 1 to 3
See you there!
Sarah XXX
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Your Wildest Dreams Tour - Check out the fab prize!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Mercy Me! Sarah Meets the Mercy Heights Girls
On Wednesday 29th Sept I was waiting in Skibbereen Library, watching the library clock's hands creep past two. OK, Mercy Heights weren't going to make it. They obviously had really important stuff going down in the school, like double Irish or PE.
'They're on their way,' the lovely librarian, Ken assured me. I didn't really believe him. I sighed inwardly. If they didn't turn up I'd have to go back to work - yikes.
But they certaily did appear - and how. Minutes later the whole of 1st year trooped into the library and squeezed themselves into the children's space. From the start I knew these were great girls - funny, interesting, lively and witty, with lots to say.
I told them about growing up in Dublin - my mad mother, my bad ballet experiences, my slightly better Cinderella play experiences, and how I became a writer.
Then they asked some fab questions about writing/books/teen diaries/all kinds of things and we chatted for ages.
I think I even told them about my boy lists at the back of my teen diaries - oops!
Then they signed my special events book, and I signed their books, fanzines and bits of paper!
It was fun. So a big hi to all the fab girls at Mercy - with the fab names: Chloe, Grace, Helen, Aine, Lily, Aoife, Aisling, Niamh, Leah, Loraine, Sinead, Fiona, Maisey, Alanna, Karen, Sarah C, Orla . . . and all the rest of the gang - it was a pleasure to meet you all!
What I liked about Mercy Heights - they were bright and funny; they had some great questions; they laughed at all the right places (vital!) AND they liked my stickers and ink stamps. People who like stickers are good. Moi, obsessed? No! (But if you get a chance, check out the paper chase website - if you like stickers, it rocks!)
Sarah X
'They're on their way,' the lovely librarian, Ken assured me. I didn't really believe him. I sighed inwardly. If they didn't turn up I'd have to go back to work - yikes.
But they certaily did appear - and how. Minutes later the whole of 1st year trooped into the library and squeezed themselves into the children's space. From the start I knew these were great girls - funny, interesting, lively and witty, with lots to say.
I told them about growing up in Dublin - my mad mother, my bad ballet experiences, my slightly better Cinderella play experiences, and how I became a writer.
Then they asked some fab questions about writing/books/teen diaries/all kinds of things and we chatted for ages.
I think I even told them about my boy lists at the back of my teen diaries - oops!
Then they signed my special events book, and I signed their books, fanzines and bits of paper!
It was fun. So a big hi to all the fab girls at Mercy - with the fab names: Chloe, Grace, Helen, Aine, Lily, Aoife, Aisling, Niamh, Leah, Loraine, Sinead, Fiona, Maisey, Alanna, Karen, Sarah C, Orla . . . and all the rest of the gang - it was a pleasure to meet you all!
What I liked about Mercy Heights - they were bright and funny; they had some great questions; they laughed at all the right places (vital!) AND they liked my stickers and ink stamps. People who like stickers are good. Moi, obsessed? No! (But if you get a chance, check out the paper chase website - if you like stickers, it rocks!)
Sarah X
book events,
Mercy Heights,
Nail biting time - book 3 is finally out
Today is official publication day for Amy book 3 - Bridesmaid Blitz. It's always a bit of a nerve wracking (and wrecking!) time. Will readers like it as much as the last books? Will it be lost in the sea of brilliant new books out? Oct is a busy, busy month for bookshops as all the big Christmas titles start coming in.
This month is packed with book related events - library events, bookshop signings, even an RTE appearance - Elev8 on Thurs 7th Oct (this week!) at 4.00/4.30.
Check out the events section of the website for details of where I'll be and when!
Sarah X
This month is packed with book related events - library events, bookshop signings, even an RTE appearance - Elev8 on Thurs 7th Oct (this week!) at 4.00/4.30.
Check out the events section of the website for details of where I'll be and when!
Sarah X
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Bridesmaid Blitz is out!

Bridesmaid Blitz is out! I've seen it in a few shops already. It's always really exciting seeing your books on the shelves - I never get tired of it. It makes me feel like a 'real' writer.
This month is packed with Amy Green events and signings - check out the events blog for details. I'll be visiting Cork, Limerick, Dundalk and loads of other places.
And I'm also going on tour with the fab authors Judi Curtin and Sophia Bennett.
Right now - I have to fix my hair for a photo shoot for the Irish Times. Look out for me in the paper next Saturday!
Happy October!
Sarah XXX
PS thanks for all the lovely emails and facebook messages!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ask Amy Green: Bridesmaid Blitz Sneak Preview!
From Chapter 1
‘I’m soooo depressed,’ I moan. ‘I can’t believe we’re back at school tomorrow. Kill me now.’ I grab my best friend, Mills’s GHDs and pretend to stab myself in the heart.
‘Oh happy dagger. Let me die.’ Then I stagger backwards, fall onto her bed and squash her against the star-patterned duvet.
‘Ow, Amy. Get off me, you eejit,’ she squeals.
I laugh and roll sideways. We both lie on our backs, staring up at the ceiling.
There’s something stuck to it. A photo. I squint up my eyes, then grin. Ed Whooley’s tanned face is smiling down at us.
‘Nice pic,’ I say.
Ed is Mills’s cute as Christmas boyfriend. However there’s one rather gi-normous relationship glitch, he lives in America. They hooked up over the summer hols while Mills was working as an au pair in his home town, Miami, and they’ve been exchanging smoochy emails ever since.
Ed also happens to be Matt Munroe’s little bro – yep, that Matt Munroe, the actor who makes R-Patz look ugly. My crazy aunt, Clover had to interview Matt in Miami for the teen mag she works for – The Goss – and guess who got to travel to the US of Amazing with her. You got it, lil’ ole moi.
Turned out Matt Munroe was only pretending to be American and is actually 100% guaranteed Irish beef and Clover scooped the story for The Goss. It was quite the trip!
Mills goes pink at the mention of the photo. ‘You weren’t supposed to see that.’
I grin. ‘And how is Ed the Head?’
‘Fine.’ Long pause. ‘I think. I haven’t heard from him all week. I’ve sent eight emails now. I tried ringing his ‘cell’ but he didn’t answer and I rang his house twice but his Dad said he wasn’t there. He hasn’t rung back yet and Mum’s going to kill me when she sees the phone bill. Maybe he hasn’t been getting his messages and there’s something wrong with hotmail. Should I send another email?’
I wince. ‘Not unless you want him to think you’re a serious stalker. Sorry, Mills, it doesn’t sound good.’
‘Maybe he’s just really busy?’ she suggests hopefully.
Poor Mills, Ed is her first proper boyfriend. I have to tread softly. ‘Maybe. Methinks you should leave it a few days, see if he gets back to you.’
She sighs deeply. ‘Relationships are tough.’
‘I hear you, amigo. Seth’s been acting odd this week too.’
‘At least you both live in the same time zone. Plus you’ll get to see him in school tomorrow.’
I groan. ‘Don’t remind me.’
Mills eyes open wide. ‘I thought it was true lurrvve. Have you gone off him?’
‘Course not, Seth and I are grand,’ I say, then add in a stage Irish accent ‘Sure he’s the joy of me heart, me acushla.’ I conjure up an image of my boyfriend’s face in my head - warm smile, messy blond surfer hair, new sun freckles sprinkled over the bridge of his nose, and his startling sky blue eyes.
‘I was groaning about school, Mills. Speaking of which, when’s your trip to Paris?’
‘In two weeks. I can’t wait,’ she squeals, then hugs herself with excitement. As soon as she sees my fed-up face she stops.
‘Sorry, Ames. I wish you could come too. It won’t be the same without you. And Seth’s not the only one who’ll miss you like crazy.’ She rubs her head on my shoulder and makes sad puppy noises.
I sigh. ‘If I’d known there was a trip involved I would have chosen ze froggy language with Loopy, instead of Spanish. Plus her classes sound way more fun.’
Mills laughs. ‘Miss Lupin does try to keep us awake all right. The best was the Paris Fashion Week role playing. We all had to pretend to be models, or designers, or fashion journalists and act in character. I was Anna Wintour from Vogue. It was hilarious.’
She pauses and her expression shifts. ‘Until Annabelle and Sophie had a cat fight over who was going to be Kate Moss, and Sophie swung her bag and nearly took one of Annabelle’s front teeth out.’
I chuckle. ‘I remember that. Mrs Hamilton threatened to sue Loopy for endangering her daughter’s perfect smile.’
Annabelle Hamilton is Queen Bee of the D4s, the school’s resident mean girls, named after the postcode of one of the poshest areas in Dublin, Dublin 4. None them actually live there, except for Annabelle herself - her girls-in-waiting, Sophie Piggott and Nina Pickering live in Foxrock and Cabinteely - but that doesn’t stop them acting like they’re better than everyone else, and way cooler.
Mills pulls a face. ‘I’m not looking forward to seeing Annabelle and her cronies again. I bet the D4s all have sparkling new start-of-term gear. And I’ll be stuck in the same scuffed ballet pumps I’ve been wearing all summer. I’m in for a right D4 slag-a-rama in last year’s uniform and sad old shoes.’
‘There’s always sabotage,’ I suggest. ‘I’ll help you pull the sole off or something. Then you’ll have to get a new pair.’
Mills sighs. ‘Wouldn’t work. Mum would just get them fixed. You know what she’s like – Miss Eco Friendly. The only person on the universe who still darns socks. No, I’ll just have to put up with it.’
‘If it’s any consolation, I’ll be in my old Dubes. We can be the sorry shoe twins.’
‘Annabelle’s bound to have new designer shoes,’ Mills says glumly.
‘Bound to. Très depressing.’
We both sigh and stare up at Ed again.
‘Ames, what am I going to do?’ Mills says softly. ‘About Ed I mean.’
‘I’ll ask Clover.’ Clover’s seventeen and uber worldly. I figure the bad news is better coming from Clover than from me. Clover’s great at solving problems. As agony aunt for The Goss teen mag she’s had buckets of practice. She loves answering all the readers’ problem letters. And I get to help her. Lately they’ve started printing my name on the page and everything. How cool is that?
Yep, if anyone can help, Clover can.
‘Thanks, Ames. But don’t tell her it’s me, OK? It’s so embarrassing.’
‘Promise.’ Unfortunately Clover’s so smart she’ll probably figure it out in a nano second.
I check out my watch. ‘Oops, better motor. Mum threatened me with year long grounding if I wasn’t back by eight.’
Mills clutches her neck and pretends to choke herself. ‘Last night of freedom before we meet our dooooom. See you at the post box. Usual time.’
I wink. ‘It’s a date, honey bun.’
To find out what happens next, you'll have to read the book - out on 1st Oct!
‘I’m soooo depressed,’ I moan. ‘I can’t believe we’re back at school tomorrow. Kill me now.’ I grab my best friend, Mills’s GHDs and pretend to stab myself in the heart.
‘Oh happy dagger. Let me die.’ Then I stagger backwards, fall onto her bed and squash her against the star-patterned duvet.
‘Ow, Amy. Get off me, you eejit,’ she squeals.
I laugh and roll sideways. We both lie on our backs, staring up at the ceiling.
There’s something stuck to it. A photo. I squint up my eyes, then grin. Ed Whooley’s tanned face is smiling down at us.
‘Nice pic,’ I say.
Ed is Mills’s cute as Christmas boyfriend. However there’s one rather gi-normous relationship glitch, he lives in America. They hooked up over the summer hols while Mills was working as an au pair in his home town, Miami, and they’ve been exchanging smoochy emails ever since.
Ed also happens to be Matt Munroe’s little bro – yep, that Matt Munroe, the actor who makes R-Patz look ugly. My crazy aunt, Clover had to interview Matt in Miami for the teen mag she works for – The Goss – and guess who got to travel to the US of Amazing with her. You got it, lil’ ole moi.
Turned out Matt Munroe was only pretending to be American and is actually 100% guaranteed Irish beef and Clover scooped the story for The Goss. It was quite the trip!
Mills goes pink at the mention of the photo. ‘You weren’t supposed to see that.’
I grin. ‘And how is Ed the Head?’
‘Fine.’ Long pause. ‘I think. I haven’t heard from him all week. I’ve sent eight emails now. I tried ringing his ‘cell’ but he didn’t answer and I rang his house twice but his Dad said he wasn’t there. He hasn’t rung back yet and Mum’s going to kill me when she sees the phone bill. Maybe he hasn’t been getting his messages and there’s something wrong with hotmail. Should I send another email?’
I wince. ‘Not unless you want him to think you’re a serious stalker. Sorry, Mills, it doesn’t sound good.’
‘Maybe he’s just really busy?’ she suggests hopefully.
Poor Mills, Ed is her first proper boyfriend. I have to tread softly. ‘Maybe. Methinks you should leave it a few days, see if he gets back to you.’
She sighs deeply. ‘Relationships are tough.’
‘I hear you, amigo. Seth’s been acting odd this week too.’
‘At least you both live in the same time zone. Plus you’ll get to see him in school tomorrow.’
I groan. ‘Don’t remind me.’
Mills eyes open wide. ‘I thought it was true lurrvve. Have you gone off him?’
‘Course not, Seth and I are grand,’ I say, then add in a stage Irish accent ‘Sure he’s the joy of me heart, me acushla.’ I conjure up an image of my boyfriend’s face in my head - warm smile, messy blond surfer hair, new sun freckles sprinkled over the bridge of his nose, and his startling sky blue eyes.
‘I was groaning about school, Mills. Speaking of which, when’s your trip to Paris?’
‘In two weeks. I can’t wait,’ she squeals, then hugs herself with excitement. As soon as she sees my fed-up face she stops.
‘Sorry, Ames. I wish you could come too. It won’t be the same without you. And Seth’s not the only one who’ll miss you like crazy.’ She rubs her head on my shoulder and makes sad puppy noises.
I sigh. ‘If I’d known there was a trip involved I would have chosen ze froggy language with Loopy, instead of Spanish. Plus her classes sound way more fun.’
Mills laughs. ‘Miss Lupin does try to keep us awake all right. The best was the Paris Fashion Week role playing. We all had to pretend to be models, or designers, or fashion journalists and act in character. I was Anna Wintour from Vogue. It was hilarious.’
She pauses and her expression shifts. ‘Until Annabelle and Sophie had a cat fight over who was going to be Kate Moss, and Sophie swung her bag and nearly took one of Annabelle’s front teeth out.’
I chuckle. ‘I remember that. Mrs Hamilton threatened to sue Loopy for endangering her daughter’s perfect smile.’
Annabelle Hamilton is Queen Bee of the D4s, the school’s resident mean girls, named after the postcode of one of the poshest areas in Dublin, Dublin 4. None them actually live there, except for Annabelle herself - her girls-in-waiting, Sophie Piggott and Nina Pickering live in Foxrock and Cabinteely - but that doesn’t stop them acting like they’re better than everyone else, and way cooler.
Mills pulls a face. ‘I’m not looking forward to seeing Annabelle and her cronies again. I bet the D4s all have sparkling new start-of-term gear. And I’ll be stuck in the same scuffed ballet pumps I’ve been wearing all summer. I’m in for a right D4 slag-a-rama in last year’s uniform and sad old shoes.’
‘There’s always sabotage,’ I suggest. ‘I’ll help you pull the sole off or something. Then you’ll have to get a new pair.’
Mills sighs. ‘Wouldn’t work. Mum would just get them fixed. You know what she’s like – Miss Eco Friendly. The only person on the universe who still darns socks. No, I’ll just have to put up with it.’
‘If it’s any consolation, I’ll be in my old Dubes. We can be the sorry shoe twins.’
‘Annabelle’s bound to have new designer shoes,’ Mills says glumly.
‘Bound to. Très depressing.’
We both sigh and stare up at Ed again.
‘Ames, what am I going to do?’ Mills says softly. ‘About Ed I mean.’
‘I’ll ask Clover.’ Clover’s seventeen and uber worldly. I figure the bad news is better coming from Clover than from me. Clover’s great at solving problems. As agony aunt for The Goss teen mag she’s had buckets of practice. She loves answering all the readers’ problem letters. And I get to help her. Lately they’ve started printing my name on the page and everything. How cool is that?
Yep, if anyone can help, Clover can.
‘Thanks, Ames. But don’t tell her it’s me, OK? It’s so embarrassing.’
‘Promise.’ Unfortunately Clover’s so smart she’ll probably figure it out in a nano second.
I check out my watch. ‘Oops, better motor. Mum threatened me with year long grounding if I wasn’t back by eight.’
Mills clutches her neck and pretends to choke herself. ‘Last night of freedom before we meet our dooooom. See you at the post box. Usual time.’
I wink. ‘It’s a date, honey bun.’
To find out what happens next, you'll have to read the book - out on 1st Oct!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Hi Amy Greensters,
I managed to sneak into town to see the wonderful Ballet Ruse today - 2 fantastic ballerinas in their own special show about the hardships of ballet. It was funny, touching and brilliantly danced - I only wish it had gone on longer.
I studied ballet for years - and I've always been a huge, huge fan. I still have the tutu and blocks to prove it! I love watching ballet, and I'm so in awe of the dancers - it's such a tough job.
In the Amy Green books Mills's sister, Claire is studying ballet in Russia and in book 5 she makes a special appearance. I just can't wait to write it. But I have to polish up book 4 first - that's very important.
Until then, I'll just dream about ballet I think.
What do you dream about?
Talk to you soon,
Sarah XXX
PS Bridesmaid Blitz is out in 2 weeks - 2 WEEKS - how exciting is that!
I managed to sneak into town to see the wonderful Ballet Ruse today - 2 fantastic ballerinas in their own special show about the hardships of ballet. It was funny, touching and brilliantly danced - I only wish it had gone on longer.
I studied ballet for years - and I've always been a huge, huge fan. I still have the tutu and blocks to prove it! I love watching ballet, and I'm so in awe of the dancers - it's such a tough job.
In the Amy Green books Mills's sister, Claire is studying ballet in Russia and in book 5 she makes a special appearance. I just can't wait to write it. But I have to polish up book 4 first - that's very important.
Until then, I'll just dream about ballet I think.
What do you dream about?
Talk to you soon,
Sarah XXX
PS Bridesmaid Blitz is out in 2 weeks - 2 WEEKS - how exciting is that!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Exclusive Tour Details - Your Wildest Dreams Tour - Oct 2010
The Wildest Dream Tour 2010 - it's coming soon, folks! For details of all my Sept/Oct events - and there are many, see Meet Sarah - What's On - section of the website
What’s your wildest dream? To be an actor? A professional dancer? To win the X Factor? Or maybe even be a writer?
Sophia Bennett, Judi Curtin and Sarah Webb (moi!) all dreamed of one day becoming writers. Discover how all their dreams came true and more on this very special tour of Limerick, Cork and Dublin as part of the 2010 Children’s Book Festival.
The Writers’ Manifesto
Sophia, Judi and Sarah are all dedicated to writing about:
Real girls
Real drama and young teen issues
And telling the truth to their readers.
No vampires
No werewolves
No boys that go bump in the night in their books!
The Tour Dates
Wednesday 13th October – 10.30 am - Belltable Studio, Limerick - schools event
Thursday 14th October – 10.30 am - Briery Gap Theatre, Macroom, Cork - schools event
Friday 15th October – 11.00 am - Mermaid Theatre, Bray, Co Wicklow - schools event
Friday 15th October - 4.00 pm Monster Signing in Eason, Dun Laoghaire - all welcome
Saturday 16th October – 2 pm - BT2 store on Grafton Street, Dublin - all welcome
(tell your teacher about the tour and hopefully she might bring your class along - she/he can contact the theatres directly for more details or ask Tom about it - details below)
More About Sophia and Judi
Sophia Bennett won the The Times/Chicken House Award for her first book, Threads, which has been described as ‘the next Princess Diaries, only hotter’. Her latest book is Beads, Boys and Bangles (Chicken House), for readers of 10+. Sophia is based in London, and is currently working on the third book in the Threads trilogy.
Judi Curtin is best known for her bestselling Alice and Megan series. Her latest books are the Alice and Megan Cook Book and Eva’s Journey (O’Brien Press), both for age 9+. She was recently shortlisted for the Irish Book Awards. Judi lives in Limerick with her family.
Booking details: Tom Donegan at CBI 01 8727475 or tom@childrensbooksireland.ie
Can't wait to meet you all!
What’s your wildest dream? To be an actor? A professional dancer? To win the X Factor? Or maybe even be a writer?
Sophia Bennett, Judi Curtin and Sarah Webb (moi!) all dreamed of one day becoming writers. Discover how all their dreams came true and more on this very special tour of Limerick, Cork and Dublin as part of the 2010 Children’s Book Festival.
The Writers’ Manifesto
Sophia, Judi and Sarah are all dedicated to writing about:
Real girls
Real drama and young teen issues
And telling the truth to their readers.
No vampires
No werewolves
No boys that go bump in the night in their books!
The Tour Dates
Wednesday 13th October – 10.30 am - Belltable Studio, Limerick - schools event
Thursday 14th October – 10.30 am - Briery Gap Theatre, Macroom, Cork - schools event
Friday 15th October – 11.00 am - Mermaid Theatre, Bray, Co Wicklow - schools event
Friday 15th October - 4.00 pm Monster Signing in Eason, Dun Laoghaire - all welcome
Saturday 16th October – 2 pm - BT2 store on Grafton Street, Dublin - all welcome
(tell your teacher about the tour and hopefully she might bring your class along - she/he can contact the theatres directly for more details or ask Tom about it - details below)
More About Sophia and Judi
Sophia Bennett won the The Times/Chicken House Award for her first book, Threads, which has been described as ‘the next Princess Diaries, only hotter’. Her latest book is Beads, Boys and Bangles (Chicken House), for readers of 10+. Sophia is based in London, and is currently working on the third book in the Threads trilogy.
Judi Curtin is best known for her bestselling Alice and Megan series. Her latest books are the Alice and Megan Cook Book and Eva’s Journey (O’Brien Press), both for age 9+. She was recently shortlisted for the Irish Book Awards. Judi lives in Limerick with her family.
Booking details: Tom Donegan at CBI 01 8727475 or tom@childrensbooksireland.ie
Can't wait to meet you all!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Have Lunch with Me in Dun Laoghaire - Mountains to Sea Book Lunch!
Hi All,
If you live near Dun Laoghaire - here is a cool event just for you - come and have lunch with me at the -
Monster Book Lunch – on Sat 11th September
Sponsored by Walker Books, to celebrate their 30th birthday
An author or illustrator at every table, including moi!
Fifteen authors will host fifteen different tables, and one of those tables has your name on it (don’t worry, you’ll get to meet all the authors!).
Meet and chat to KATE DICAMILLO (how cool is that?!), Marita Conlon McKenna, Don Conroy, Joe O’Neill, Judi Curtin, PJ Lynch, Sarah Rees Brennan and a host of other authors and illustrators. Plus readings and a Q and A.
Everyone will go home with a goody bag and there will be a bookshop on site to buy signed copies of all the authors’ books.
See you there!
Time: 12 to 3.15
Venue: Royal St George Yacht Club, Seafront, Dun Laoghaire
Cost: e15 children e20 adults
Tickets are strictly limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Booking: 01 2312929 or book online at www.mountainstosea.ie
If you live near Dun Laoghaire - here is a cool event just for you - come and have lunch with me at the -
Monster Book Lunch – on Sat 11th September
Sponsored by Walker Books, to celebrate their 30th birthday
An author or illustrator at every table, including moi!
Fifteen authors will host fifteen different tables, and one of those tables has your name on it (don’t worry, you’ll get to meet all the authors!).
Meet and chat to KATE DICAMILLO (how cool is that?!), Marita Conlon McKenna, Don Conroy, Joe O’Neill, Judi Curtin, PJ Lynch, Sarah Rees Brennan and a host of other authors and illustrators. Plus readings and a Q and A.
Everyone will go home with a goody bag and there will be a bookshop on site to buy signed copies of all the authors’ books.
See you there!
Time: 12 to 3.15
Venue: Royal St George Yacht Club, Seafront, Dun Laoghaire
Cost: e15 children e20 adults
Tickets are strictly limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Booking: 01 2312929 or book online at www.mountainstosea.ie
Monday, August 16, 2010
Letter of the week - from Tammy
Here’s my letter of the week, from a lovely girl, T. I’ll call her Tammy!
Hey there, Sarah,
I recently finished reading your second book and decided to get in touch. I was just wondering how you managed to come up with such a great storyline? The books. There isn't any words for them. They are just so good.
I'm trying to write a book myself and was just wondering if you have any tips? Also are you planning on making the books into a film if you haven’t already.
I'm waiting for the next book come out. i even ordered one that isn’t due out until next year. rather sad I know, but they are the kind of books that are really hard to put down, and when you've finished, you just wanna go straight to the next book. I hope you get in touch.
Tammy x
Hi Tammy,
Thanks for your lovely email. I'm so glad you liked Amy Green's adventures. I'm working on the 4th book at the moment - it will be called Party Drama-rama and is about Sylvie's hen party, a very unusual boy called Bailey Otis who will first appear in book 3 in October.
I don't know where I get my ideas really! First I come up with the characters for a book, and then think about the kind of things they might get up to, and then the stories just seem to write themselves as the characters take over.
But I do use some 'real' things in the books. In Boy Trouble the Bebo bullying story was based on a story I read in the paper. And in Summer Secrets, Lough Ine is a real place - and it inspired that storyline.
And in Bridesmaid Blitz (out in Oct) the Paris hotel is based on a real hotel I stayed in, and the trips Amy takes in Paris are trips I took myself and also loved. Like visiting the Mona Lisa, and checking out the shops in Monmartre. It’s such an amazing city.
Writing tips - read a lot for a start, write every day if you can, and don't give up. If you start a story, try to finish it. There are more tips on my website also. Good luck!
All the best,
PS Yes, film rights have been snapped up, but no more news as yet – keep checking the website for news!
Hey there, Sarah,
I recently finished reading your second book and decided to get in touch. I was just wondering how you managed to come up with such a great storyline? The books. There isn't any words for them. They are just so good.
I'm trying to write a book myself and was just wondering if you have any tips? Also are you planning on making the books into a film if you haven’t already.
I'm waiting for the next book come out. i even ordered one that isn’t due out until next year. rather sad I know, but they are the kind of books that are really hard to put down, and when you've finished, you just wanna go straight to the next book. I hope you get in touch.
Tammy x
Hi Tammy,
Thanks for your lovely email. I'm so glad you liked Amy Green's adventures. I'm working on the 4th book at the moment - it will be called Party Drama-rama and is about Sylvie's hen party, a very unusual boy called Bailey Otis who will first appear in book 3 in October.
I don't know where I get my ideas really! First I come up with the characters for a book, and then think about the kind of things they might get up to, and then the stories just seem to write themselves as the characters take over.
But I do use some 'real' things in the books. In Boy Trouble the Bebo bullying story was based on a story I read in the paper. And in Summer Secrets, Lough Ine is a real place - and it inspired that storyline.
And in Bridesmaid Blitz (out in Oct) the Paris hotel is based on a real hotel I stayed in, and the trips Amy takes in Paris are trips I took myself and also loved. Like visiting the Mona Lisa, and checking out the shops in Monmartre. It’s such an amazing city.
Writing tips - read a lot for a start, write every day if you can, and don't give up. If you start a story, try to finish it. There are more tips on my website also. Good luck!
All the best,
PS Yes, film rights have been snapped up, but no more news as yet – keep checking the website for news!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The First Book I Ever Read
Here's a quick q and a I just did for the Readathon - can you remember the first book you ever read? SarahXXX
Can you remember the first book you ever read by yourself?
I was a late reader, I didn’t read fluently until I was 9 ½ but as soon as it all started to click I flew through all the Enid Blyton school stories. But the first book I can remember being read aloud to me is A A Milne’s poetry books.
What was your favourite book as a child?
As a child and now, my favourite books are Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, and Are You There, God, It’s Me, Margaret by the wonderful Judy Blume.
Is there any children’s book which has been handed down through the generations in your family ?
Yes, lots – Richard Scarry books, The Secret Garden, Ballet Shoes, Fairy Tale collections and my prized possession, a signed Mary Lavin ‘The Second Best Children in the World’, a brilliant picture book.
What is your favourite book of all time?
See above!
Is there a reading or book related memory/tip that you would like to share with young readers around the country?
In my job as a children’s bookseller I’ve been very lucky to meet a lot of authors over the years – including J K Rowling, Jacqueline Wilson and Judy Blume. And they all have one thing in common, they are all passionate readers. So if you’d like to be a brilliant writer like Jo or Jacqueline, read, read, read!
Can you remember the first book you ever read by yourself?
I was a late reader, I didn’t read fluently until I was 9 ½ but as soon as it all started to click I flew through all the Enid Blyton school stories. But the first book I can remember being read aloud to me is A A Milne’s poetry books.
What was your favourite book as a child?
As a child and now, my favourite books are Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, and Are You There, God, It’s Me, Margaret by the wonderful Judy Blume.
Is there any children’s book which has been handed down through the generations in your family ?
Yes, lots – Richard Scarry books, The Secret Garden, Ballet Shoes, Fairy Tale collections and my prized possession, a signed Mary Lavin ‘The Second Best Children in the World’, a brilliant picture book.
What is your favourite book of all time?
See above!
Is there a reading or book related memory/tip that you would like to share with young readers around the country?
In my job as a children’s bookseller I’ve been very lucky to meet a lot of authors over the years – including J K Rowling, Jacqueline Wilson and Judy Blume. And they all have one thing in common, they are all passionate readers. So if you’d like to be a brilliant writer like Jo or Jacqueline, read, read, read!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My Fave Review of the Week - Thanks MB!
Here's my favourite review of the week - and thanks to M B for letting me post it - you rock!
Amy Green, Teen Agony Queen Series.
This is my definite favourite EVER book series! I’m not joking, every time I pick up these books to read I fall in love with them again! These books explain the life of a typical Irish thirteen-year-old living in Dublin. Amy Green has all sorts of challenging problems; school, her parent’s divorce, her dad getting married to some one she hates, her mum’s boyfriend who she is not too fond of, boy trouble and two terror toddlers. But then Amy's breath taking aunt Clover finds a job in the magazine the Goss and Amy can’t believe her luck! To even be around Clover is a laugh and amazing fun but Clover asking Amy to help her is an honour and a fantastic experience. And even though Clover is only seventeen she needs the eyes and ears of a thirteen-year-old to help her. And, as Clover gets more into the job and is getting asked to do an interview with a certain famous actor she needs some one to go to America with her…....and maybe answering other people’s questions may find the answers to Amy’s…..
I really enjoyed these books, you feel that you can relate to them, it’s as if the story was about you in some chapters and I feel that the author, Sarah Webb captured that very well! The book is written very thoughtfully and a lot of effort probably went into this to make it as good as it is now. It’s very funny, and will have you giggling through out the book. The two books out at the moment are Boy Trouble and Summer Secrets, there is the third novel named Bridesmaid Blitz being released in October and Sarah is currently writing the fourth book named Party Drama-Rama. My favourite book would be the first one, boy trouble but I enjoyed the other one thoroughly too. I definitely give them all 5 stars.
Amy Green, Teen Agony Queen Series.
This is my definite favourite EVER book series! I’m not joking, every time I pick up these books to read I fall in love with them again! These books explain the life of a typical Irish thirteen-year-old living in Dublin. Amy Green has all sorts of challenging problems; school, her parent’s divorce, her dad getting married to some one she hates, her mum’s boyfriend who she is not too fond of, boy trouble and two terror toddlers. But then Amy's breath taking aunt Clover finds a job in the magazine the Goss and Amy can’t believe her luck! To even be around Clover is a laugh and amazing fun but Clover asking Amy to help her is an honour and a fantastic experience. And even though Clover is only seventeen she needs the eyes and ears of a thirteen-year-old to help her. And, as Clover gets more into the job and is getting asked to do an interview with a certain famous actor she needs some one to go to America with her…....and maybe answering other people’s questions may find the answers to Amy’s…..
I really enjoyed these books, you feel that you can relate to them, it’s as if the story was about you in some chapters and I feel that the author, Sarah Webb captured that very well! The book is written very thoughtfully and a lot of effort probably went into this to make it as good as it is now. It’s very funny, and will have you giggling through out the book. The two books out at the moment are Boy Trouble and Summer Secrets, there is the third novel named Bridesmaid Blitz being released in October and Sarah is currently writing the fourth book named Party Drama-Rama. My favourite book would be the first one, boy trouble but I enjoyed the other one thoroughly too. I definitely give them all 5 stars.
amy green reviews,
boy trouble,
summer secrets
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Check out my interview from Beauty Couture
HI All,
Here is my interview from Beauty Couture - 'cos us writers are v stylish don't you know ;)
Sarah X
By: Niamh, August 03
We have a good old natter with super fantastic Irish author Sarah Webb, about her upcoming book, her top advice for budding writers and her secret ballerina ambitions!
Sarah tell us what you are doing with yourself these days?
‘I'm currently working on my 10th novel, The Shoestring Club, set in a clothes shop. It will be published next year, all being well.’ (and 4th Amy Green too!!!)
How did you get into writing?
‘I wrote my first books as a single mum, working full time in Waterstone's. At first it was a financial thing to be honest, trying to make ends meet. I started writing articles for local newspapers, magazines and finally wrote a nonfiction book for children, my very first book. But then I got the fiction bug and I've been writing novels ever since and loving it. I now write full time so I'm very lucky.’
What is it you love about writing?
‘Working for myself; creating characters I grow to love as much as real friends; meeting readers and other writers. It really is an amazing job. Solitary and lonely at times, but generally wonderful.’
Do you prefer writing for younger or older audiences?
‘I like both. The teenage books are shorter though which is kind of nice!’
Would you ever like to see one of your books be turned into a TV or film adaptation? Or do you think a film can never live up to a book?
‘ The film rights for the Ask Amy Green books, my series for age 10+ have been bought, so fingers crossed. I'd love to see any of my books on the big or small screen, it would be fascinating to see what a screen writer and director brought to the stories.’
Why do you think the Irish are so world successful when it comes to writing?
‘We love telling stories, to anyone who will listen! And we are also huge, huge readers. Readers often become writers, it's a natural progression.’
There are a lot of successful Irish women authors out there, how did you manage to get yourself noticed in the beginning?
‘ I think the only thing a writer can do is to a- write a darned good book and b- write a darned good book!!! I'm very lucky as I also like writing for magazine and newspapers so that helps in that I can write columns and other pieces. And I also have a background in children's books as I worked as a children's bookseller for so long, so I have plenty to talk and write about.’
Who is your favourite author?
‘I love Marian Keyes, Judy Blume, Cathy Cassidy, Anne Tyler and Dr Seuss.’
What is your everyday, staple beauty product you’d never leave home without putting on?
‘Clinique City Base in Factor 40 - I burn amazingly easily.’
What is your beauty regime like day-to-day?
‘ I use Clinique products like the Foaming Face wash which I find great and not too harsh, and their Dramatically Different Moisturiser. I keep it all pretty simple as I don't have much time.’
Who is your biggest style influence?
‘Honestly? My best friend, Tanya. She's bang up to date with all the trends and has an amazing eye for what suits people. She should have been a stylist.’
Favourite high-street haunts?
‘Top Shop. Pennys for belts, hats etc. And River Island.’
Favourite designer destinations and designers?
‘Seagreen in Monkstown is a fav as it's down the road from me and they have great sales. I love Lainey knitwear and try to invest in a cardigan or jumper every few years in the sample sales. I also love BTs. I could spend hours in their shoe department!’ (Beautycouture.ie HQ is with you on that one Sarah!)
Heels or flats?
‘Flats by day, heels by night.’
Best bargain ever?
‘Probably a black and gold knitted dress by Temperley. I bought it second hand shop for €100 and it looks fab with black boots.’
As a bestselling author how do you juggle family life, friends and your work etc?
‘With difficulty sometimes! I write when the kids are at school, then take a break to do the school runs, then do admin - emails etc - in the afternoon. I also work three evenings a week, replying to readers' letters, copy editing books, and writing articles and reviews.’
Any advice for writers out there?
‘Yes, bum glue! Stick your bum to your seat and stay there. Read a lot. Write a lot. And never give up. Rejection is part of every writer's life.’
What did you want to be when you grew up?
‘A ballerina.’
Here is my interview from Beauty Couture - 'cos us writers are v stylish don't you know ;)
Sarah X
By: Niamh, August 03
We have a good old natter with super fantastic Irish author Sarah Webb, about her upcoming book, her top advice for budding writers and her secret ballerina ambitions!
Sarah tell us what you are doing with yourself these days?
‘I'm currently working on my 10th novel, The Shoestring Club, set in a clothes shop. It will be published next year, all being well.’ (and 4th Amy Green too!!!)
How did you get into writing?
‘I wrote my first books as a single mum, working full time in Waterstone's. At first it was a financial thing to be honest, trying to make ends meet. I started writing articles for local newspapers, magazines and finally wrote a nonfiction book for children, my very first book. But then I got the fiction bug and I've been writing novels ever since and loving it. I now write full time so I'm very lucky.’
What is it you love about writing?
‘Working for myself; creating characters I grow to love as much as real friends; meeting readers and other writers. It really is an amazing job. Solitary and lonely at times, but generally wonderful.’
Do you prefer writing for younger or older audiences?
‘I like both. The teenage books are shorter though which is kind of nice!’
Would you ever like to see one of your books be turned into a TV or film adaptation? Or do you think a film can never live up to a book?
‘ The film rights for the Ask Amy Green books, my series for age 10+ have been bought, so fingers crossed. I'd love to see any of my books on the big or small screen, it would be fascinating to see what a screen writer and director brought to the stories.’
Why do you think the Irish are so world successful when it comes to writing?
‘We love telling stories, to anyone who will listen! And we are also huge, huge readers. Readers often become writers, it's a natural progression.’
There are a lot of successful Irish women authors out there, how did you manage to get yourself noticed in the beginning?
‘ I think the only thing a writer can do is to a- write a darned good book and b- write a darned good book!!! I'm very lucky as I also like writing for magazine and newspapers so that helps in that I can write columns and other pieces. And I also have a background in children's books as I worked as a children's bookseller for so long, so I have plenty to talk and write about.’
Who is your favourite author?
‘I love Marian Keyes, Judy Blume, Cathy Cassidy, Anne Tyler and Dr Seuss.’
What is your everyday, staple beauty product you’d never leave home without putting on?
‘Clinique City Base in Factor 40 - I burn amazingly easily.’
What is your beauty regime like day-to-day?
‘ I use Clinique products like the Foaming Face wash which I find great and not too harsh, and their Dramatically Different Moisturiser. I keep it all pretty simple as I don't have much time.’
Who is your biggest style influence?
‘Honestly? My best friend, Tanya. She's bang up to date with all the trends and has an amazing eye for what suits people. She should have been a stylist.’
Favourite high-street haunts?
‘Top Shop. Pennys for belts, hats etc. And River Island.’
Favourite designer destinations and designers?
‘Seagreen in Monkstown is a fav as it's down the road from me and they have great sales. I love Lainey knitwear and try to invest in a cardigan or jumper every few years in the sample sales. I also love BTs. I could spend hours in their shoe department!’ (Beautycouture.ie HQ is with you on that one Sarah!)
Heels or flats?
‘Flats by day, heels by night.’
Best bargain ever?
‘Probably a black and gold knitted dress by Temperley. I bought it second hand shop for €100 and it looks fab with black boots.’
As a bestselling author how do you juggle family life, friends and your work etc?
‘With difficulty sometimes! I write when the kids are at school, then take a break to do the school runs, then do admin - emails etc - in the afternoon. I also work three evenings a week, replying to readers' letters, copy editing books, and writing articles and reviews.’
Any advice for writers out there?
‘Yes, bum glue! Stick your bum to your seat and stay there. Read a lot. Write a lot. And never give up. Rejection is part of every writer's life.’
What did you want to be when you grew up?
‘A ballerina.’
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Cute Letter
This letter from Sophie arrived this week and made me smile. Thanks to everyone for all the great emails, keep them coming! sarah@askamygreen.com
I'll post some of the extra nice ones here! ;)
Hi Sarah,
I have just read one of your books (Summer Secrets),and OMG its the best book I have ever read - you are now my favorite author of all time.You see I'm from Cork myself - East Cork that is - and I don't really know why I've never been to West Cork and Lough Ine looks beautiful (I looked up pictures of it) and now I have decided to go there and see it myself.
You will be happy to know that I am now going to buy all the Amy Green books and read them so thanks for writing them and please write some more books about Amy Green PLEASE as they are so good. I hope you get this Email thanks again
Love, Sophie, aged 12, Co. Cork Ireland
xxx :)
Well, Sophie, there will be at least 6 Amy Green stories and book 3, Bridesmaid Blitz, will be out in Oct. Thanks for your letter! And do visit Lough Ine (featured in Summer Secrets) - it's so beautiful.
This letter from Sophie arrived this week and made me smile. Thanks to everyone for all the great emails, keep them coming! sarah@askamygreen.com
I'll post some of the extra nice ones here! ;)
Hi Sarah,
I have just read one of your books (Summer Secrets),and OMG its the best book I have ever read - you are now my favorite author of all time.You see I'm from Cork myself - East Cork that is - and I don't really know why I've never been to West Cork and Lough Ine looks beautiful (I looked up pictures of it) and now I have decided to go there and see it myself.
You will be happy to know that I am now going to buy all the Amy Green books and read them so thanks for writing them and please write some more books about Amy Green PLEASE as they are so good. I hope you get this Email thanks again
Love, Sophie, aged 12, Co. Cork Ireland
xxx :)
Well, Sophie, there will be at least 6 Amy Green stories and book 3, Bridesmaid Blitz, will be out in Oct. Thanks for your letter! And do visit Lough Ine (featured in Summer Secrets) - it's so beautiful.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Summer Writing Workshops
Lots of you have been asking about summer writing workshops - well, here you go - in Cork and Kildare - hope to see you there!
Summer Workshops with Sarah Webb – July and August (that would be me!)
If you’re interested in writing, or just like playing with words and story ideas, these workshops are for you!
Skibbereen Arts Festival
Wednesday 21st July
www.skibbereenartsfestival.com (July 18th to 31st)
Write-A-Rama - Creative Writing Workshop with Sarah Webb
How do you create a cracking story? What makes a character so real they almost jump off the page? How do you keep readers interested?
Join Sarah Webb for a special write-a-rama workshop, featuring lots of character, word and story games. During the morning, the group will focus on creating characters that jump off the page, how to make ‘boring’ sentences more exciting, and using memory and emotion to colour your writing. Get your creative juices flowing with this fun workshop!
Age 10+
Places limited to 15
Please bring a notebook and a pen or pencil, and, if possible, your favourite book.
To book, please contact the arts festival office – info@skibbereenartsfestival.com
Or have a look at their website for booking details
I will be running a similar workshop at the:
Riverbank Arts Centre, Kildare
As part of their Summer Programme
On Friday 6th August at 10.30 to 12.30
Booking details – 045 448330
Summer Workshops with Sarah Webb – July and August (that would be me!)
If you’re interested in writing, or just like playing with words and story ideas, these workshops are for you!
Skibbereen Arts Festival
Wednesday 21st July
www.skibbereenartsfestival.com (July 18th to 31st)
Write-A-Rama - Creative Writing Workshop with Sarah Webb
How do you create a cracking story? What makes a character so real they almost jump off the page? How do you keep readers interested?
Join Sarah Webb for a special write-a-rama workshop, featuring lots of character, word and story games. During the morning, the group will focus on creating characters that jump off the page, how to make ‘boring’ sentences more exciting, and using memory and emotion to colour your writing. Get your creative juices flowing with this fun workshop!
Age 10+
Places limited to 15
Please bring a notebook and a pen or pencil, and, if possible, your favourite book.
To book, please contact the arts festival office – info@skibbereenartsfestival.com
Or have a look at their website for booking details
I will be running a similar workshop at the:
Riverbank Arts Centre, Kildare
As part of their Summer Programme
On Friday 6th August at 10.30 to 12.30
Booking details – 045 448330
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Thanks for Voting - You Rock!
Thanks to all of you lovely Amy Greensters, I'm now on the Queen of Teen shortlist, along with Cathy Cassidy and Jackie Wilson. I'm hugely grateful to all those who voted for me. It's a real honour to be on any list with writers like that I can tell you!
If you'd like to vote for me again - here's the website details:
The award ceremony is on 10th September and is a tres swish affair with a pink theme - pink limos, pink drinks, pink cup cakes. I can't wait. I'll take lots of pictures, don't worry!
If you'd like to vote for me again - here's the website details:
The award ceremony is on 10th September and is a tres swish affair with a pink theme - pink limos, pink drinks, pink cup cakes. I can't wait. I'll take lots of pictures, don't worry!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
June - Book News for Amy Greensters!
Hi All,
Apologies for the lack of posting recently - I've been working away on Amy Green 3, Bridesmaid Blitz. I'm delighted to say it's finished now and I'm really pleased with it. It's out in October and I'll post a sneak peak of the first chapter soon, but until then, here's the first few lines:
Chapter 1
‘I’m soooo depressed,’ I moan. ‘I can’t believe we’re back at school tomorrow. Kill me now.’ I grab my best friend, Mills’s GHDs and pretend to stab myself in the heart. ‘Oh happy dagger. Let me die.’ Then I stagger backwards, fall onto her bed and squash her against the star-patterned duvet.
‘Ow, Amy. Get off me, you eejit,’ she squeals. ‘And stop with all the Shakespeare. I don’t want to be reminded of English class, thanks very much.’
I laugh and roll sideways. We both lie on our backs, staring up at the ceiling.
There’s something stuck to it. A photo. I squint up my eyes, then grin. Ed Whooley’s tanned face is smiling down at us.
‘Nice pic,’ I say . . .
Stay posted if you want to read on.
And coming next month - info on an Amy Green event in Kildare in August and also the Armed, Pink and Dangerous tour with Sophia Bennett and Judi Curtin in October.
Apologies for the lack of posting recently - I've been working away on Amy Green 3, Bridesmaid Blitz. I'm delighted to say it's finished now and I'm really pleased with it. It's out in October and I'll post a sneak peak of the first chapter soon, but until then, here's the first few lines:
Chapter 1
‘I’m soooo depressed,’ I moan. ‘I can’t believe we’re back at school tomorrow. Kill me now.’ I grab my best friend, Mills’s GHDs and pretend to stab myself in the heart. ‘Oh happy dagger. Let me die.’ Then I stagger backwards, fall onto her bed and squash her against the star-patterned duvet.
‘Ow, Amy. Get off me, you eejit,’ she squeals. ‘And stop with all the Shakespeare. I don’t want to be reminded of English class, thanks very much.’
I laugh and roll sideways. We both lie on our backs, staring up at the ceiling.
There’s something stuck to it. A photo. I squint up my eyes, then grin. Ed Whooley’s tanned face is smiling down at us.
‘Nice pic,’ I say . . .
Stay posted if you want to read on.
And coming next month - info on an Amy Green event in Kildare in August and also the Armed, Pink and Dangerous tour with Sophia Bennett and Judi Curtin in October.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
News on Amy 3 - but in the meantime you could read . . .
Hi folks, Amy here again!
Lots of you have been asking when the new book featuring my most excellent and thrilling adventures is out - well, that would be October. Sarah tells me it's finished and it's absolutely fab if she says so herself.
It's called Bridesmaid Blitz and all the old gang are back - Amy and Clover obviously, Mills, Seth, and the ancients - Polly, Sylvie, Gramps, Dave. Plus a rather mysterious new character called Bailey.
But in the meantime if you just have to read something and you've already devoured Boy Trouble and Summer Secrets dozens of times (that would be you, Michelle C, don't deny it!), check out Threads: Beads, Boys and Bangles by Sophia Bennett. Set in the London fashion world, it's full of cool dresses, cute ballet boys, mad friends and Indian adventures. I LOVED it.
And more news - Sarah is touring Ireland with Sophia and another fantastic Irish writer, Judi Curtin in October - the Armed, Pink and Dangerous Tour 2010. More details soon.
Talk soon,
Lots of you have been asking when the new book featuring my most excellent and thrilling adventures is out - well, that would be October. Sarah tells me it's finished and it's absolutely fab if she says so herself.
It's called Bridesmaid Blitz and all the old gang are back - Amy and Clover obviously, Mills, Seth, and the ancients - Polly, Sylvie, Gramps, Dave. Plus a rather mysterious new character called Bailey.
But in the meantime if you just have to read something and you've already devoured Boy Trouble and Summer Secrets dozens of times (that would be you, Michelle C, don't deny it!), check out Threads: Beads, Boys and Bangles by Sophia Bennett. Set in the London fashion world, it's full of cool dresses, cute ballet boys, mad friends and Indian adventures. I LOVED it.
And more news - Sarah is touring Ireland with Sophia and another fantastic Irish writer, Judi Curtin in October - the Armed, Pink and Dangerous Tour 2010. More details soon.
Talk soon,
Amy Green,
pink and dangerous tour,
sophia bennett
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Spring Break, Dublin Style
Is there anything better than school holidays? I think not! Unfortunately my annoying female parental thought I was having far too much fun sleeping, hanging out with my friends, and catching up on Glee and decided to put me on baba duty for the afternoon while she went to the dentist.
At least that’s where she said she was going – I have my doubts – can a filling really take two whole hours? Please! Her teeth are not elephant tusk sized.
So I got landed with Alex and Evie, my little brother and sister. And I was supposed to be meeting up with Seth and Mills. They kindly offered to help me with the babies, so I pushed Evie in the buggy, and Seth put Alex on his back and we headed off to the park.
Alex nearly gave Seth a black eye with his sharp little heels, but apart from that we all got there in one piece.
Then we made the mistake of giving the babies ice cream cones, which they got all over their faces, hands, hair and clothes. Evie even got ice cream up her nose – yuck! I had to dig it out with the corner of a tissue.
When we got home Mum nearly had a fit.
‘What happened?’ she demanded. ‘Why are they both so sticky and what’s that gloop in their hair? Amy!’
‘It’s only ice cream, Mum,’ I said. ‘It’ll wash out.’
She narrowed her eyes. ‘Did Dave put you up to this?’ (Dave’s my kind of step dad)
‘Up to what?’
‘He told you, didn’t he? That if you do something badly I might not ask you to do it again.’
‘No! And I wasn’t trying to be a rubbish babysitter on purpose if that’s what you’re implying,’ I protested. ‘I was doing you a favour. Look, I’ll put them both in the bath for you. OK?’
She softened up a bit then and gave me a tenner. Score!
Hope you don’t have to babysit too much over the holliers, my friends!
Until next time -
Keep smiling!
At least that’s where she said she was going – I have my doubts – can a filling really take two whole hours? Please! Her teeth are not elephant tusk sized.
So I got landed with Alex and Evie, my little brother and sister. And I was supposed to be meeting up with Seth and Mills. They kindly offered to help me with the babies, so I pushed Evie in the buggy, and Seth put Alex on his back and we headed off to the park.
Alex nearly gave Seth a black eye with his sharp little heels, but apart from that we all got there in one piece.
Then we made the mistake of giving the babies ice cream cones, which they got all over their faces, hands, hair and clothes. Evie even got ice cream up her nose – yuck! I had to dig it out with the corner of a tissue.
When we got home Mum nearly had a fit.
‘What happened?’ she demanded. ‘Why are they both so sticky and what’s that gloop in their hair? Amy!’
‘It’s only ice cream, Mum,’ I said. ‘It’ll wash out.’
She narrowed her eyes. ‘Did Dave put you up to this?’ (Dave’s my kind of step dad)
‘Up to what?’
‘He told you, didn’t he? That if you do something badly I might not ask you to do it again.’
‘No! And I wasn’t trying to be a rubbish babysitter on purpose if that’s what you’re implying,’ I protested. ‘I was doing you a favour. Look, I’ll put them both in the bath for you. OK?’
She softened up a bit then and gave me a tenner. Score!
Hope you don’t have to babysit too much over the holliers, my friends!
Until next time -
Keep smiling!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Paddy's Day Palaver!
Well my dear friends, I'm still a-shaking and a-quivering all over!
Mills and Seth had this great idea yesterday - to go to the funfair at Bray. OK, I thought, that's coolaboola - I can just watch and catch some rays (the sun was actually out yesterday - hello stranger!). I'm so not into being hurtled around in the air, my stomach lurching into my mouth.
Then Clover decided to tag along too. Brains (her boyf) was playing a Paddy's Day gig in the evening with his band so he was off setting it all up, and she had the afternoon free.
But when I got there Clover said 'Come on, Beanie. Don't be such a chick-chick-chick-chicken.' She folded her arms under her armpits and did a flapping impression. 'Bwalk, bwalk, bwalk, bwalk, bwalk.'
'Fine,' I said huffily. 'I'll go on one ride. Something that doesn't go up in the air, understand?'
So she pulled me towards the swings by the arm, Seth and Mills following behind. Before I knew what was happening, I was strapped into a seat, my body suspended in the air. I looked up - the two chains looked safe enough but I was still nervous.
Clover was sitting on one side, Mills on the other and Seth just behind us.
'What does this do exactly?' I asked Clover.
Clover smiled. 'It just swings around a bit, you know. The clue's in the title - the swings.'
'Don't be such a smartie pants,' I said. The machine sprung into action and all the seats started to lift in the air. And lift, and lift, and lift - until we were dozens of feet off the ground. YIKES!
'I hate heights, Clover,' I shrieked. 'You know that.' I screwed my eyes shut.
'Hum, we are quite high up, aren't we?' she shouted back over the noise of the ride. 'But what a view.'
'I'm not opening my eyes,' I said. 'Tell me when it's all over.'
I hung to the chains for dear life and wished I'd stuck to my guns.
Well, I lived to tell the tale. But I'm never, ever going near a fun fair with Clover again, eva!
Catch you soon,
Mills and Seth had this great idea yesterday - to go to the funfair at Bray. OK, I thought, that's coolaboola - I can just watch and catch some rays (the sun was actually out yesterday - hello stranger!). I'm so not into being hurtled around in the air, my stomach lurching into my mouth.
Then Clover decided to tag along too. Brains (her boyf) was playing a Paddy's Day gig in the evening with his band so he was off setting it all up, and she had the afternoon free.
But when I got there Clover said 'Come on, Beanie. Don't be such a chick-chick-chick-chicken.' She folded her arms under her armpits and did a flapping impression. 'Bwalk, bwalk, bwalk, bwalk, bwalk.'
'Fine,' I said huffily. 'I'll go on one ride. Something that doesn't go up in the air, understand?'
So she pulled me towards the swings by the arm, Seth and Mills following behind. Before I knew what was happening, I was strapped into a seat, my body suspended in the air. I looked up - the two chains looked safe enough but I was still nervous.
Clover was sitting on one side, Mills on the other and Seth just behind us.
'What does this do exactly?' I asked Clover.
Clover smiled. 'It just swings around a bit, you know. The clue's in the title - the swings.'
'Don't be such a smartie pants,' I said. The machine sprung into action and all the seats started to lift in the air. And lift, and lift, and lift - until we were dozens of feet off the ground. YIKES!
'I hate heights, Clover,' I shrieked. 'You know that.' I screwed my eyes shut.
'Hum, we are quite high up, aren't we?' she shouted back over the noise of the ride. 'But what a view.'
'I'm not opening my eyes,' I said. 'Tell me when it's all over.'
I hung to the chains for dear life and wished I'd stuck to my guns.
Well, I lived to tell the tale. But I'm never, ever going near a fun fair with Clover again, eva!
Catch you soon,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Rin on the Rox
My friend, Kate sent me this link of Rin on the Rox - two American girls who truly rock! Check them out singing on You Tube - they are sooooo addictive.
See ya,
The You Tube link:
See ya,
The You Tube link:
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Happy World Book Day and Thanks for Reading!
First of all, I got several emails this week saying how much you're enjoying reading my blog. Thanks so much for checking it out! You guys diamond rock!
Well, I have good news - Sarah says I can keep writing the blog as long as I have something to say. Yeah and double yeah!
Hum, better find something to say then.
Happy World Book Day for a start. To celebrate a copy of Boy Trouble (my first book, but you know that, right!) was left at the end of Dun Laoghaire for some lucky - ahem - person to find. Wonder who it went home with? Can't wait to find out. It's called book crossing - you release a book into the wild for other readers - pretty cool, eh?
You can check it out here: www.bookcrossing.com
Otherwise all is pretty cool chez Green this week - nothing major to report. Mum's been dropping hints about Mother's Day - don't forget - it's Sunday 14th. Big hints - like 'If you guys forget Mother's Day again I'm going on strike! No washing, no cooking, no cleaning.'
'What like normal you mean, Sylvie?' Dave said, grinning.
Mum swatted him with a tea towel. She wasn't amused. I thought it was kinda funny myself.
OK, she's yelling at me again, dinner's up. Spag bol - tres exciting, not! Hope it's edible - Mum's not exactly Jamie Oliver. See ya soon,
Well, I have good news - Sarah says I can keep writing the blog as long as I have something to say. Yeah and double yeah!
Hum, better find something to say then.
Happy World Book Day for a start. To celebrate a copy of Boy Trouble (my first book, but you know that, right!) was left at the end of Dun Laoghaire for some lucky - ahem - person to find. Wonder who it went home with? Can't wait to find out. It's called book crossing - you release a book into the wild for other readers - pretty cool, eh?
You can check it out here: www.bookcrossing.com
Otherwise all is pretty cool chez Green this week - nothing major to report. Mum's been dropping hints about Mother's Day - don't forget - it's Sunday 14th. Big hints - like 'If you guys forget Mother's Day again I'm going on strike! No washing, no cooking, no cleaning.'
'What like normal you mean, Sylvie?' Dave said, grinning.
Mum swatted him with a tea towel. She wasn't amused. I thought it was kinda funny myself.
OK, she's yelling at me again, dinner's up. Spag bol - tres exciting, not! Hope it's edible - Mum's not exactly Jamie Oliver. See ya soon,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Rachel's Ode to Maths
This is a cool article sent to the Goss by a student in 6th class in Dunboyne (nice place in Ireland) - Clover passed it on to me - it's pretty good so I thought I'd publish it here on my Amy Blog.
I've added my own comments on it of course! If you've read my books you'll know I'm a maths geek, sad but true!!!!
Make Maths a Friend! by Rachel
To me, Maths has no personality. It’s like a dead person, it doesn’t exist. (How can you say this, Rachel? Amy)
There’s nothing deep about it. You can’t leave your own mark on it. It doesn’t express who you are as a person, because in maths there’s always an answer but only one. You have no choice. You can’t leave your own stamp on it. But maybe I’m missing something? There could be some secret to maths no one knows. Something deep hidden behind the numbers. (See, Rachel, you're getting it now - Amy)
All subjects can be thought about in different ways, In the end I think it all depends on our attitude towards it. Maybe if we think about Maths in a more positive way, it will appeal to us differently. We just think of maths as a bad subject because it seems like that subject everyone just has to hate and groan about, because if you think about it, it’s not very popular is it? (Except with me!)
Maybe maths seems bad to us because it is one of those subjects we just love to hate. Pretend for a minute maths had feelings, I don’t think it would like being complained at so much, would you?
I know I wouldn’t be the first person you’d think of running to for tips on maths but here are some on how you can help improve your attitude towards it. (You go, girl!)
1. Think of maths positively. If you think about maths in a positive way. It will come out like that on the paper.
2. I know I said before maths has no personality, but as hard as it is try your very best to pretend it does. Pretend Maths has feelings like a person. Pretend he’s...Max! If Maths was a real person you wouldn’t wan’t to hurt his feelings would you? So try your best doing the sums for him, and not only the teacher will be pleased.(I know this sounds crazy, but try it out and it might work.)
3. Try come up with different ways to get the answer . You don’t have to figure it out the same way as everyone else. Everybody is different and has a different approach. Even though I said there is only one answer there are still a hundred ways to get it. (Abso-doodle-lutely, Rachel!)
4. Tutor! Yes tutor. If you feel you have a strength in a certain area don’t be afraid to help someone who doesn’t. Once you know you’ve helped someone get an answer you’ll feel much better about yourself and tutoring also is a brilliant fun way to learn as you can still learn by teaching someone.
5. There are so many different areas in maths that if you feel you’ve given up (Never Give Up!!) in a certain area don’t be afraid to give a go at another one, you never know, surprisingly you might like it, it’s always good to try new things.
6. Ok so this is my last tip and so for the final one I think overall it’s all about how we look at things. Like me you may think that maths is boring or nothing to it, or not deep in any way. But try turn those bad thoughts the other way round, you know all the moaning and bad thinking won’t make it any better. Pretend Maths is all the things you think it isn’t and you just might believe it! So that’s it I think by writing this down I’ve seen maths in a different way and you should too because I guess really in the end the numbers don’t bite! (Rachel, you are so right! Numbers don't bite. But my baby sis, Evie does - ow, ow, ow. Have to go, she's got my leg . . . . Amy)
I've added my own comments on it of course! If you've read my books you'll know I'm a maths geek, sad but true!!!!
Make Maths a Friend! by Rachel
To me, Maths has no personality. It’s like a dead person, it doesn’t exist. (How can you say this, Rachel? Amy)
There’s nothing deep about it. You can’t leave your own mark on it. It doesn’t express who you are as a person, because in maths there’s always an answer but only one. You have no choice. You can’t leave your own stamp on it. But maybe I’m missing something? There could be some secret to maths no one knows. Something deep hidden behind the numbers. (See, Rachel, you're getting it now - Amy)
All subjects can be thought about in different ways, In the end I think it all depends on our attitude towards it. Maybe if we think about Maths in a more positive way, it will appeal to us differently. We just think of maths as a bad subject because it seems like that subject everyone just has to hate and groan about, because if you think about it, it’s not very popular is it? (Except with me!)
Maybe maths seems bad to us because it is one of those subjects we just love to hate. Pretend for a minute maths had feelings, I don’t think it would like being complained at so much, would you?
I know I wouldn’t be the first person you’d think of running to for tips on maths but here are some on how you can help improve your attitude towards it. (You go, girl!)
1. Think of maths positively. If you think about maths in a positive way. It will come out like that on the paper.
2. I know I said before maths has no personality, but as hard as it is try your very best to pretend it does. Pretend Maths has feelings like a person. Pretend he’s...Max! If Maths was a real person you wouldn’t wan’t to hurt his feelings would you? So try your best doing the sums for him, and not only the teacher will be pleased.(I know this sounds crazy, but try it out and it might work.)
3. Try come up with different ways to get the answer . You don’t have to figure it out the same way as everyone else. Everybody is different and has a different approach. Even though I said there is only one answer there are still a hundred ways to get it. (Abso-doodle-lutely, Rachel!)
4. Tutor! Yes tutor. If you feel you have a strength in a certain area don’t be afraid to help someone who doesn’t. Once you know you’ve helped someone get an answer you’ll feel much better about yourself and tutoring also is a brilliant fun way to learn as you can still learn by teaching someone.
5. There are so many different areas in maths that if you feel you’ve given up (Never Give Up!!) in a certain area don’t be afraid to give a go at another one, you never know, surprisingly you might like it, it’s always good to try new things.
6. Ok so this is my last tip and so for the final one I think overall it’s all about how we look at things. Like me you may think that maths is boring or nothing to it, or not deep in any way. But try turn those bad thoughts the other way round, you know all the moaning and bad thinking won’t make it any better. Pretend Maths is all the things you think it isn’t and you just might believe it! So that’s it I think by writing this down I’ve seen maths in a different way and you should too because I guess really in the end the numbers don’t bite! (Rachel, you are so right! Numbers don't bite. But my baby sis, Evie does - ow, ow, ow. Have to go, she's got my leg . . . . Amy)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Yeah for Mills and Clover
I have decided that this week is National Yeah for Amy's Friends week. There's an old Czech proverb that goes 'Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.'
Apparently people live longer if they have good friends - honestly - Mum read it in The Irish Times today!
I could have told them that - friends are vital - like lip gloss, UGGS (yes, I'm still wearing them, sorry!), Converse, and, um, Johnny Depp. Can't live without them.
And I'm so lucky to have 2 fabber than fab friends in Mills and Clover. I know technically Clover's my aunt, but I still count her as a bestie. She certainly saves my skin enough to qualify!
And Mills - well we've been bfs 4eva. And I hope we'll grow wrinkly together. And looking at Mum's furrowed Star Trek brow, that won't be all that long . . . yikes. She's pretty stressed out at the moment.
Hope you have at least one fab friend too. Makes life much more fun, doesn't it?
Yours in friendship,
Apparently people live longer if they have good friends - honestly - Mum read it in The Irish Times today!
I could have told them that - friends are vital - like lip gloss, UGGS (yes, I'm still wearing them, sorry!), Converse, and, um, Johnny Depp. Can't live without them.
And I'm so lucky to have 2 fabber than fab friends in Mills and Clover. I know technically Clover's my aunt, but I still count her as a bestie. She certainly saves my skin enough to qualify!
And Mills - well we've been bfs 4eva. And I hope we'll grow wrinkly together. And looking at Mum's furrowed Star Trek brow, that won't be all that long . . . yikes. She's pretty stressed out at the moment.
Hope you have at least one fab friend too. Makes life much more fun, doesn't it?
Yours in friendship,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Cool Play List from Kate
Check this out - my friend, Kate came up with this play list! Cool, eh? She really knows her stuff.
Thanks, Kate!
Some Pop Type Music:
1. Christina Aguilera - Candyman. Fun tune - And extremely talented, just like most of her stuff. She composes her own music and writes the majority of her lyrics. She is just amazing. One of my favourite artists!
2. Britney Spears - Baby One More Time. Her older stuff definitely is more fun, and filled with fabulous bubblegum pop. I mean, yeah, people still like her no matter what though, just 'cause she is Britney!
3. Taylor Swift - Fifteen. Easily connectable with many teens. She writes the best country pop love songs out there.
4. Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River. He's hot, and extremely talented. The male version of Britney or Christina.
5. Hey Monday - How You Love Me Now. This Band make the most perfect pop rock music out there. They have awesome love songs, and headed by gorgeous Cassadee Pope.
6. Miley Cyrus - See You Again. She is the new Britney - and Disney's current leading lady. She makes a good mixture of pop, rock, and dance music. Worth a listen.
7. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance. She is said to be the new Madonna, but i believe her to be much more than that. She has an amazing voice, and is way original in her music, fashion, and ideas.
8. Paolo Nutini - any of his songs from the Sunny Side Up album - a Scottish singer/songrwriter - listen to Candy, or Growing Up Beside You ... great ballads and good poppy tunes (he has been up at the top of the UK and Irish charts for a while now)
9. You could also take a listen to Katy Perry and Florence and the Machine - Katy Perry in the charts now with Starstrukk and Florence and the Machine have been doing very well with You've got the Love
9. And finally - some Black Eyed Peas perhaps? Meet me Halfway.
Indie - Pop - Rock:
1. Panic! At The Disco - New Perspective. This band has gone through many changes, as a band, and in their direction of music.
2. Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care. How do you not love this alternative rock band? They have come a very long way from travelling in a small van touring for three years, to each having their own personal mega huge tour bus. Now, on a hiatus, I would not be sure if you would want to mention them. They do have amazing music though... and their bass guitarist is Pete Wentz who is probably one of the most politically/socially conscious artists around - does great work e.g. on Invisible Children http://www.invisiblechildren.com/home.php
3. Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick. Like Taylor Swift, they are young, and have the ability to connect with their young audience. They make pop, acoustic rock mainly, and have managed to beat out legends like Madonna, and Mariah Carey, this year in the album charts! They were on the Twilight soundtrack. http://www.paramore.net/
4. Now, Now Every Children - Cars. This little band from Minnesota, are actually the definition of awesome. They have catchy indie pop tunes that will make you very happy! Listen to the single - Cars. http://www.myspace.com/nownoweverychildren
4. Tegan and Sara. Smart pop music. Truly amazing.
5. We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet. I love this powerpop band - They have a fairly unique sound. Also, They sound really amazing live.
6 + 7. Blink 182 or Green day. Everybody loves these two trio's! Legends...
8. Cobra Starship - check them out - http://www.cobrastarship.com/
Irish Bands:
1. Jody Has A Hitlist - Walk It Off, Son. These pop punk musicians, have a really huge fanbase, for being unsigned. Live, they are amazing and have awesome covers, of big charting pop songs.
2. The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved. It is amazing how big they have gotten. They make very catchy, beautifully written music.
3. Take a listen to Mick Flannery - http://mickflannery.com/videos/ maybe not your average teen girl's music - but good.
Thanks, Kate! You diamond rock, girl!!!
Thanks, Kate!
Some Pop Type Music:
1. Christina Aguilera - Candyman. Fun tune - And extremely talented, just like most of her stuff. She composes her own music and writes the majority of her lyrics. She is just amazing. One of my favourite artists!
2. Britney Spears - Baby One More Time. Her older stuff definitely is more fun, and filled with fabulous bubblegum pop. I mean, yeah, people still like her no matter what though, just 'cause she is Britney!
3. Taylor Swift - Fifteen. Easily connectable with many teens. She writes the best country pop love songs out there.
4. Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River. He's hot, and extremely talented. The male version of Britney or Christina.
5. Hey Monday - How You Love Me Now. This Band make the most perfect pop rock music out there. They have awesome love songs, and headed by gorgeous Cassadee Pope.
6. Miley Cyrus - See You Again. She is the new Britney - and Disney's current leading lady. She makes a good mixture of pop, rock, and dance music. Worth a listen.
7. Lady Gaga - Bad Romance. She is said to be the new Madonna, but i believe her to be much more than that. She has an amazing voice, and is way original in her music, fashion, and ideas.
8. Paolo Nutini - any of his songs from the Sunny Side Up album - a Scottish singer/songrwriter - listen to Candy, or Growing Up Beside You ... great ballads and good poppy tunes (he has been up at the top of the UK and Irish charts for a while now)
9. You could also take a listen to Katy Perry and Florence and the Machine - Katy Perry in the charts now with Starstrukk and Florence and the Machine have been doing very well with You've got the Love
9. And finally - some Black Eyed Peas perhaps? Meet me Halfway.
Indie - Pop - Rock:
1. Panic! At The Disco - New Perspective. This band has gone through many changes, as a band, and in their direction of music.
2. Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care. How do you not love this alternative rock band? They have come a very long way from travelling in a small van touring for three years, to each having their own personal mega huge tour bus. Now, on a hiatus, I would not be sure if you would want to mention them. They do have amazing music though... and their bass guitarist is Pete Wentz who is probably one of the most politically/socially conscious artists around - does great work e.g. on Invisible Children http://www.invisiblechildren.com/home.php
3. Paramore - Brick By Boring Brick. Like Taylor Swift, they are young, and have the ability to connect with their young audience. They make pop, acoustic rock mainly, and have managed to beat out legends like Madonna, and Mariah Carey, this year in the album charts! They were on the Twilight soundtrack. http://www.paramore.net/
4. Now, Now Every Children - Cars. This little band from Minnesota, are actually the definition of awesome. They have catchy indie pop tunes that will make you very happy! Listen to the single - Cars. http://www.myspace.com/nownoweverychildren
4. Tegan and Sara. Smart pop music. Truly amazing.
5. We The Kings - Check Yes Juliet. I love this powerpop band - They have a fairly unique sound. Also, They sound really amazing live.
6 + 7. Blink 182 or Green day. Everybody loves these two trio's! Legends...
8. Cobra Starship - check them out - http://www.cobrastarship.com/
Irish Bands:
1. Jody Has A Hitlist - Walk It Off, Son. These pop punk musicians, have a really huge fanbase, for being unsigned. Live, they are amazing and have awesome covers, of big charting pop songs.
2. The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved. It is amazing how big they have gotten. They make very catchy, beautifully written music.
3. Take a listen to Mick Flannery - http://mickflannery.com/videos/ maybe not your average teen girl's music - but good.
Thanks, Kate! You diamond rock, girl!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Yeah - Saw Seth
Saw Seth today - yeah! And finally got my Valentine's Card. He was supposed to call around on Sunday but things didn't quite work out the way we'd planned. Life's like that, isn't it?
Mum wanted us all to go to Milano's for family lunch - family food fight more like. Alex is a little devil with the dough balls - they never stay on his plate! Evie just chews on the pizza crusts and then spits them out - it's gross!
Anyway, Seth's card was so cute - red with a cut out picture of a house on it. Says:
My home will have no windows, doors or floors. Nor bricks or mortar.
My only home is in your arms and nowhere else.
Aaaahhhhh! So cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Mum wanted us all to go to Milano's for family lunch - family food fight more like. Alex is a little devil with the dough balls - they never stay on his plate! Evie just chews on the pizza crusts and then spits them out - it's gross!
Anyway, Seth's card was so cute - red with a cut out picture of a house on it. Says:
My home will have no windows, doors or floors. Nor bricks or mortar.
My only home is in your arms and nowhere else.
Aaaahhhhh! So cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Half Term Blues
Half Term - Hurrah!
Here's the thing - I love not having to get up for school - yeah! I love not having homework - double yeah!!
I love being able to see my friends every day and going to the cinema and checking out the new gear in the shops but . . .
And it's a big BUT
Mills has flown off to Bristol to visit her aunt, and Seth is busy looking after Polly at the moment (Polly's his mum and she's pretty sick so he likes spending lots of time with her) so I was all on my ownio most of today.
Hate to admit it, but I'm feeling kinda lonely right now.
Thank goodness for a/Glee b/ Facebook and c/my books. :)
I'm re-reading Sarah Dessen's The Truth About Forever at the mo - so sad - brilliant book!
and that's my facebook page - drop in and say hi!
And as for Glee - I've recorded the whole thing so far on our SkyBox and I'm off now to check out my fave clip - the boys' mashup of It's My Life and My Confessions - genius. Just the thing for a quick cheer up. Addicted to Finn - moi? Absolutelo not!!! Ahem.
Check the song out on You Tube:
Hope to see Seth tomorrow - if nothing rubbish happens - cross your fingers for me!
Here's the thing - I love not having to get up for school - yeah! I love not having homework - double yeah!!
I love being able to see my friends every day and going to the cinema and checking out the new gear in the shops but . . .
And it's a big BUT
Mills has flown off to Bristol to visit her aunt, and Seth is busy looking after Polly at the moment (Polly's his mum and she's pretty sick so he likes spending lots of time with her) so I was all on my ownio most of today.
Hate to admit it, but I'm feeling kinda lonely right now.
Thank goodness for a/Glee b/ Facebook and c/my books. :)
I'm re-reading Sarah Dessen's The Truth About Forever at the mo - so sad - brilliant book!
and that's my facebook page - drop in and say hi!
And as for Glee - I've recorded the whole thing so far on our SkyBox and I'm off now to check out my fave clip - the boys' mashup of It's My Life and My Confessions - genius. Just the thing for a quick cheer up. Addicted to Finn - moi? Absolutelo not!!! Ahem.
Check the song out on You Tube:
Hope to see Seth tomorrow - if nothing rubbish happens - cross your fingers for me!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Oh la la!
OMG as the D4s would say - I'm so, so sorry. I meant to tell you all about non uniform day and I quite forgot - oops!
Well, it was hilarious. Annabelle and Sophie were both wearing navy shorts with gold buttons down the front - kind of a nautical look. They nearly had kittens when they realised they were wearing practically the same outfit. Annabelle made Sophie put on her tracky bottoms and Sophie wasn't amused!
Then Sophie got her own back by 'accidentally' pushing Annabelle into the sand pit at the bottom of the long jump during break. She had this shiny spray stuff on her legs (don't ask - I think it's supposed to make your legs look thinner or longer or something) and the sand stuck to it. She looked like a piece of sand paper.
She spent all afternoon giving Sophie killer looks.
So what did I wear? Skinny jeans, blue glittery Converse Clover gave me, my new Fraggle Rock T and my denim jacket. Normal stuff really. I didn't want to stand out too much.
And Seth - jeans, new checked blue and white Diesel shirt his mum, Polly got him - she has great taste - not like my sad female parental. He looked edible.
And Mills - jeans and a pink hoody.
What else? Half term next week - yeah, yeah, yeah! Can't wait to catch the new Percy Jackson film with Seth and Mills. And watch Glee over and over and over and over and over again!!!
Toodle pips.
Till next week.
Your bestest friend,
Have you read Summer Secrets yet? No! And why not pray tell??????
Well, it was hilarious. Annabelle and Sophie were both wearing navy shorts with gold buttons down the front - kind of a nautical look. They nearly had kittens when they realised they were wearing practically the same outfit. Annabelle made Sophie put on her tracky bottoms and Sophie wasn't amused!
Then Sophie got her own back by 'accidentally' pushing Annabelle into the sand pit at the bottom of the long jump during break. She had this shiny spray stuff on her legs (don't ask - I think it's supposed to make your legs look thinner or longer or something) and the sand stuck to it. She looked like a piece of sand paper.
She spent all afternoon giving Sophie killer looks.
So what did I wear? Skinny jeans, blue glittery Converse Clover gave me, my new Fraggle Rock T and my denim jacket. Normal stuff really. I didn't want to stand out too much.
And Seth - jeans, new checked blue and white Diesel shirt his mum, Polly got him - she has great taste - not like my sad female parental. He looked edible.
And Mills - jeans and a pink hoody.
What else? Half term next week - yeah, yeah, yeah! Can't wait to catch the new Percy Jackson film with Seth and Mills. And watch Glee over and over and over and over and over again!!!
Toodle pips.
Till next week.
Your bestest friend,
Have you read Summer Secrets yet? No! And why not pray tell??????
Monday, February 1, 2010
Monday - Amy's Diary - No Uniform Day
Amy’s Diary
OK, first up my new book is glittering away on the shelves right now - I spotted it on Saturday in the Eason shop in Dundrum Shopping Centre – big yeah! You can't miss the cute shiny pink cover.
Me and Mills were in Dundrum (the biggest SC in Ireland) looking for cool new Ts for our No Uniform Day (tomorrow) in aid of Haiti. Our school’s called St John’s and it’s in Blackrock, near Dublin city in Ireland. It’s pretty OK most the time. Except when the D4s* start pushing everyone around. But let’s not talk about them – too tragico for words.
Anyway, I found a cute black Fraggle Rock (weird Muppet puppet dudes) T in Zara, and Mills went for a white one with a girl’s face on it and a big red Minnie Mouse bow.
I can’t wait to see what all the D4s turn up in tomorrow! Tiny cheerleader skirts probably . . . they think Quinn Fabray (the Glee head cheerleader – I heart Glee!) is the business. Sad or what? Go Rachel I say. Although for a Crombie**, Finn’s kind of interesting.
Anyway, till tomorrow . . .
Hugs and kisses,
*Girls who live in (or aspire to live in) a posh area of Dublin called Dublin 4. They wear UGG boots, say OMG a lot, and tend to move in orange fake-baked packs. Prone to meanness.
** Irish guys who play rugby and wear a lot of Abercrombie and Fitch. Fave expression ‘lege’ eg ‘Brian O’Driscoll, now he’s a lege.’ D4s find them wildly attractive – figures!
Amy’s Diary
OK, first up my new book is glittering away on the shelves right now - I spotted it on Saturday in the Eason shop in Dundrum Shopping Centre – big yeah! You can't miss the cute shiny pink cover.
Me and Mills were in Dundrum (the biggest SC in Ireland) looking for cool new Ts for our No Uniform Day (tomorrow) in aid of Haiti. Our school’s called St John’s and it’s in Blackrock, near Dublin city in Ireland. It’s pretty OK most the time. Except when the D4s* start pushing everyone around. But let’s not talk about them – too tragico for words.
Anyway, I found a cute black Fraggle Rock (weird Muppet puppet dudes) T in Zara, and Mills went for a white one with a girl’s face on it and a big red Minnie Mouse bow.
I can’t wait to see what all the D4s turn up in tomorrow! Tiny cheerleader skirts probably . . . they think Quinn Fabray (the Glee head cheerleader – I heart Glee!) is the business. Sad or what? Go Rachel I say. Although for a Crombie**, Finn’s kind of interesting.
Anyway, till tomorrow . . .
Hugs and kisses,
*Girls who live in (or aspire to live in) a posh area of Dublin called Dublin 4. They wear UGG boots, say OMG a lot, and tend to move in orange fake-baked packs. Prone to meanness.
** Irish guys who play rugby and wear a lot of Abercrombie and Fitch. Fave expression ‘lege’ eg ‘Brian O’Driscoll, now he’s a lege.’ D4s find them wildly attractive – figures!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Quelle excitement - Amy's hijacking the blog in Feb!
Amy here.
Yes, my friends, it's true.
To celebrate the launch of my second book, Summer Secrets, I'm taking over the Goss blog, with some help from Mills and Seth, oh and Clover of course.
So watch out for some fun and games over the next few weeks - and do tune in!
Amy X
Talk to you on 1st Feb!
Yes, my friends, it's true.
To celebrate the launch of my second book, Summer Secrets, I'm taking over the Goss blog, with some help from Mills and Seth, oh and Clover of course.
So watch out for some fun and games over the next few weeks - and do tune in!
Amy X
Talk to you on 1st Feb!
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